Starter patches include 1.) either a 3-inch last name or 3-inch mascot patch, 2.) a 2-inch 2-digit graduation year and 3.) a 2-inch first name patch. Everyone orders the first two options. The majority but not everyone decides to order a first name patch. The graduation year and first name patches usually go on the front pockets. In regards to the mascot patch, this is usually done for the Holton and Jackson Heights girls. Holton & Jackson Heights boys usually do the last name. However, if girls want to do last name or boys want to do mascot, just let us know. For Royal Valley and Onaga, both boys and girls get the last name patch. They usually do not get the mascot patch.
3-inch sport and activity patches usually go on the sleeves. These are usually for all activities participated in. They can be blank or include written embroidery such as mascot name (Wildcats, Cobras, Panthers), high school abbreviation (HHS, JHHS, RVHS), jersey number (if same number each year), position (kicker, captain, band, choir, drumline, 100m, shot put, etc) or year/years participated. The weight class for wrestling (made as a 2 or 3-inch 3-digit number) also usually goes on the sleeves.
4-inch sport and activity patches usually go on the back. These include any and all team and/or individual achievements. Some examples of team achievements are League Champs, Regional Champs and Sub-State Runner-Up. Some examples of individual achievements are All County First Team Linebacker, All State Second Team Pitcher and New School Record 100M in X Seconds.